Thank you to Mousumi for becoming my first follower in this Blog. If anybody else comes across this atleast sign to boost my morale.
Now this month I won't write any lyric of my heartfelt poems rather Lets have some fun with Limericks.
Here's one
The Fall
There was a man in Ipswich who was rather rude
He ignored the law and danced on the streets, lets say lewd
You all know what I refrained to say
So, the Bobbies arrested him, Come what may
But then they left him laughing saying he was a dude
Limericks are almost always lewd extended jokes and though it is a British imaginative proponent, It was the Germans who took it to the next level. I have written in personal collection an extended lyric following the German style and intend to write one here as well. The only law with a Limerick is that you have to follow a rhythm and each unit stanza should have the rhyme scheme of AABBA even if it is a five hundred line poem( that is the largest, written by Herr Greund in 1748) each unit stanza should be of five lines and should follow the same rhythm and same rhyming scheme. For example
The Table
There was a table set for ten
But it ended up that those were filled by men
The hosts and guests scratched their heads
And decided to solve the crime without calling Feds
The Hosts voice boomed and the Lady's was like rain
A Quarrel ensued and that was considered cultured and fine
A solution was reached, an armistice was made ready to sign
Men were to eat first followed by the ladies fair
The fools had poked the Lion's lair
The ladies reminded the men that next day at home they would dine
So the amicable solution was at last reached
The foolish men had their pride leeched
They stood at waiting for the dining ladies fair
At the food they only did stare
One saintly said it was better to be hungry than living stitched
Limericks are almost compulsorily awkward and foolish and necessarily rubbish. So, do comment in Limericks of your own, you can even invent words but make sure thay make sense, and lets have some fun.