Saturday, January 16, 2010


Forget me when I die
When in ashes my wanton passions lie
When you have toasted me as the recent dead
With the man you have chosen instead
But why do you forget me now
I don't ask for anything from you anyhow
Why do you alive me kill
I acknowledge I have for receiving you no skill
Nothing from you do I expect
For I know in your life I am less than an insect
Why then push me away
When your voice gives me reason on Earth to stay
Why I am I rambling such utter lies in verse
When to me you are polite and friendly not terse
Why do I malign your form
When you have unleashed no impolite storm
Why do I not recognise your choice
To have another a different voice
I don't deserve that I know
Why then in my mind on you rancours sow
I don't know about you I can't tell
This is truth though my passions for no dime will I sell
I made a mistake to feel for you
Knowing and Warned that you I cannot woo
You have no fault the fault is mine
That I have let such slanderous thoughts in my mind shine
It was my fault not yours that for you I felt
But something more confusing never have I dealt
Sorry that I use you in this set of line
I will remain obsessed though you may never be mine


  1. NICE ONE!!! But it seems that you are in love AGAIN and AGAIN your love failed!!!
    Anyway keep falling in love and keep failing so that we get to read more such poems...

  2. I agree completely..its a great way 2 express ur sorrows.I read ur prose but partly,its nice.

  3. I liked this work of yours.not only because I myself am inclined to the more darker side of life, but I feel reasoning your weaknesses inspite of being the one losing each time is no easy have penned down your thoughts in a rather aggresive way. . .which I believe comes from your boxing sessions? I have no idea Dipanway. But I really liked your work here.

    "Why do I malign your form
    When you have unleashed no impolite storm"

    I liked this verse the most. It is like you are reasoning your love(which you call a fault here) to yourself.
    good work,keep writing :)
