Monday, May 10, 2010

The Fallen God

The kite was flying like a Bird of Prey in the Eastern sky which was getting dark every second. It flew to the four corners of its bound feeling freedom till the twine was pulled.A majestic God of the true ancient theism of Humanity bound to a lowly mortal. It was angry it flew to the right and the left, feeling the warmth that Phoebus had cast on him. He drew on the dream of Bhaskar in the glory of his mid-heaven throne and how he had felt threatened as this puny master of the sky had crossed his scared bound. It fluttered with the memory of the pleasure of that victory. And yet there was that pull, a lowly Mortal pulling a God and that too the victor over the sun God, he gathered wind and flew higher streaking into the dark inky pail to break the mortal's bind. He strove hard but the mortal was tenacious and held his ground, a true warrior at heart and pulled at the twine. The kite smiled, he loved a Good challenge, he was Lord of the Winds and the Prince Of North South East and West, he would be victor over such a puny challenger as this mortal. Hah, what was this, the Eastern Horizon had fallen dark and this mortal was trying to pull him to Earth away from his fiefdom of the Sky. The overt adamancy of this mortal! He gathered wind in his wings and flew higher and cut to the right or to the left but you had to appreciate the mortal, he held on.He pulled and pulled but in the end the result happened, the twine broke. The Lord of the Sky and the Wind was free................

He flew to all corners of the sky he was free; free as the wind: the master of his own pleasure, owner of his fiefdom of the sky, victor over mortals and immortals alike. A true free soul. But what was this the wind was pulling him to its own will, no no no: he was their Lord but they had rebelled and he realised he lacked the shield of his twine. He burnt in rage; he fought hard these demons that were vanquishing him and guiding him to his very mortal end on the Earth, away from his fiefdom of the sky. He struggled fluttered fluffed flew to all the sides created of the Gods called on every last reserve of his strength but he was vanquished.

As he was vanquished and slowly the Earth came to greet his vanquished but mighty heart that with a mortal as sword and twine as shield had ruled the heavens, he realised the Gods or God need humans to survive not the humans the Gods. With this knowledge was vanquished the mighty Lord of the skies, the Kite Incarnidine.

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